Friday, May 23, 2008

Gardening for Dummies

We planted our garden a couple of weeks ago. First, we dumped manure all over, then Jeff tilled it in, then we planted (I did help--I wasn't just taking pictures the whole time :) )

On the left is our three year old asparagus and we actually got to eat it this year--so good! Next comes 8 tomatoes, then 8 green peppers, 4 Anaheim Peppers, 2 little rows of green beans, 4 jalapenos, honeydew, cantelope from start and one from seed, squash zucchini, pumpkin, to the raspberries on the end. We also planted some lettuce in the flowers (no room in the garden). I would call us regular old farmers except for the fact that the cantelope start is dead, the pumpkins and zucchini haven't come up, the honeydew isn't looking hot and it looks like we have a rabbit in the lettuce.


Jessica said...

Way to go!! I would have just been taking pictures too.

staci baker said...

Hang in there! Your garden will be flourishing soon and will be the showcase for the neighborhood!

staci baker said...

P.S This was Margaret. I was on Staci's username.

Meghan said...

Ironically my canteloupe's are struggling too. Everything looks great though! You guys ARE the master gardener's and I am very imnpresed! We'll have to exchange produce...