Monday, October 27, 2008

100 Things

I have been wanting to do this for a while, so here goes:

1. I was born in Texas
2. I can feel my stomach growing bigger as we speak
3. I like to keep my fingernails and toenails very short. I have just about broken my habit of biting/picking them and just clip them now.
4. I wanted to be a cowgirl when I grew up.
5. A common line of mine when I was little was: "When I grow up and be a boy..." (I had two older brothers, then my dad--I guess I thought my mom was just one of a kind!)
6. I dyed my hair brown once and it was a disaster.
7. I love to exercise and to be in shape.
8. I did a triathlon a couple of years ago, I loved it and hope to do one again!
9. I like to have a clean kitchen--even if every other room isn't.
10. I like to be organized.
11. I played soccer in high school.
12. I ran track in high school.
13. I used to snowboard a lot, it was my dream to be a pro snowboarder.
14. I was voted class clown in high school.
15. Jeff was also voted class clown in high school.
16. We knew it was love when we found out.
17. Jeff and I used to love to sneak into Lavell Edwards Stadium (BYU), it was one of our favorite spots.
18. I lived in three different states before I turned one.
19. I love family reunions, I look so forward to them every year!
20. I love camping.
21. I love hiking.
22.I love to hike.
23. I eat a banana for breakfast every single day.
24. I used to install sprinkler systems for my summer job, I don't know how much I remember, but I bet I could still put on a sprinkler head.
25. I would love to eat out every night of the week.
26. I LOVE asparagus.
27. I LOVE strawberries.
28. I like to read books and usually all at once.
29. If I had to choose between a maid and cook, I would choose a cook.
30. If I had to choose between salt and sugar, definitely salt.
31. I broke my arm in 9th grade roller-blading down a steep hill. My arm was bent funny.
32. I have never had stitches.
33. I can't remember my most embarrassing moment. They happen too frequently for me to get too embarrassed.
34. I wanted a motorized Barbie car SO bad when I was little.
35. I love country music.
36. I love to laugh really hard, especially with Jeff.
37. One time, Jeff passed gas and picked Kate up and pretended we had to get home because she was so poopy. Wow, that was funny.
38. I love my family.
39. I love my in-laws, they feel like family to me too.
40. I love nieces and nephews.
41. I absolutely adore Kate and every little smile and toot that she does.
42. I used to think my feet were kind of small until I joined my in-laws where everyone is around a size 6-7.
43. I like to go to bed around 9.
44. I like to get up about 8.
45 . I am nervous about my future sleeping schedule.
46. I like to spend money, I think I would do well rich.
47. I have an inney belly button, like the deep dark hole kind.
48. I would like to move back to Idaho someday.
49. I like living here for now.
50. I spend way too much time on the computer.
51. I am the YW sports coach, and we are doing pretty good!
52. I always have a hard time deciding what to be for Halloween.
53. I am so excited about Thanksgiving.
54. I am so excited about Christmas!
55. I still get really excited about my birthday!
56. I also still get really excited about Christmas too, I have a hard time falling asleep and always wake up early.
57. I played the piano until I was about 10, I forgot pretty much everything.
58. I also played the violin for about 2 years, I don't know if I ever knew anything to forget.
59. I love to sing, but I don't sing very loud and am a little below average.
60. I love to whistle.
61. I love horses and have always wanted one.
62. My parents divorced when I was 10 (or 11, I can't remember).
63. I like to do math tutoring on the side.
64. I like to teach.
65. Daisies are my favorite flowers.
66. I love to get flowers.
67. I like to be self-sufficient.
68. My dream car is a minivan.
69. My dream car used to be a Z3 BMW--black.
70. I went to track camp at BYU one year and it was so fun. My sister and I beat all these boys playing pool for 3 straight games just because they scratched. I love that memory.
71. I love my sisters.
72 My brothers are really funny and I always wanted to be like them.
73. I got my first email account when I was 15.
74. I ran cross country for two years and quit 3 weeks before the season ended, I probably should have finished.
75. I beat my best cross country record from high school during college by about 4 minutes!
76. I love to swim.
77. We never had animals for long periods of time, something always happened.
78. Except Frizzy the cat.
79. Sometimes I just like to be blunt, but a lot of times I regret it right after.
80. I love my mom, she is very creative and fun to be around, and just a good mom.
81. My dad is a lot of fun too, he always keeps things exciting and entertaining!
82. I like to type.
83. I like to sew and to make crafts.
84. I get bloody noses a lot.
85. It started when I was about 4 and hit my nose really hard on the dashboard and was bleeding really hard--I remember it going around my neck.
86. Now I get bloody noses for 40 minutes at a time.
87. I have never had to stay at the hospital except when I had Kate.
88. My soccer team won the championship in college intramurals, it was great!
89. I loved playing high school soccer, and I love the friendships I made from that.
90. We were a pretty good soccer team, we worked well together and it made it fun.
91. I am so happy to be married to Jeff, I love him, but I also really like him if you know what I mean.
92. I once was shocked by a cattle prod-thing in seminary to prove a point.
92.5 I also ate a grasshopper in seminary, for an object lesson, they were surprisingly tasty.
93. I once swore in seminary (but it wasn't my fault!!!)
94. I loved seminary!
95. I never dated anyone seriously in high school.
96. I didn't kiss a boy until I was 16--my brother made me promise, so I did it. In hind sight, why didn't I get any money out of the deal?
97. I always got in trouble for talking too much in high school (I know that comes as a shocker)
98. I was still a good student.
99. I cut my hair really short in high school--like a pixie cut, and I loved it, it was kind of fun and different.
100. I love to get my hair cut. I wish it grew really fast so I could cut it more often.
101. I loved college and my roommates, especially Michele, we had some really good times together!
102. I graduated from college one week before I married Jeff, it was perfect timing for us.
103. Well, I guess I have blabbed on long enough. This is kind of fun though, and when you have some spare time, you should try it, it is kind of fun to reminisce.


daegan said...

that was a fun read! i'm so glad you did that! i learned a few things. we must be bloody nose princesses... i swear, mine POUR and POUR. i really am surprised i haven't died yet for the loss of blood. i bet you could go on... your mind won't stop thinking of things now huh?

Dale and Tabitha said...

I can't believe you did a 103. I need to try this. The only problem is my attention spand is very short. I don't know if I could get through it.

staci baker said...

That was fun! I learned a few things about you! I laughed about the one where Jeff tooted and blamed it on Kate. It must be a Lewis men thing because I know Ryan has done that a few times. ;) When I was reading down the list, I was thinking how similar you and I are in a lot of ways. I'm so glad you're in our family, and that you and I are the same age! Hopefully someday we live close to each other.
I'll have to try this if I get a chance, or at least the post you did before this one.

Melissa said...

That was so funny! I enjoyed it a lot! I started one of those last week and just copied it into a word document because I ran out of time, maybe I'll hurry and finish it...

Brenda said...

I enjoyed reading about you... I didn't know you liked country music... Yucky! I still like you :)

Jamie said...

Wow. There were so many laugh-out-loud things on your list, but now I can't remember them all. The one that comes to mind right now is you getting shocked with a cattle prod. What the?

I'm very impressed you could come up with 103 things. I loved reading about you.

It was fun to see you on Sat. and get a chance to chat. We can't wait 'til Saturday.

Unknown said...

what a fun post! You always make me laugh Jewels. Glad you are enjoying life so much. I can't wait for Thanksgiving and Christmas too! It's my favorite time of year.

Heidi and Matt said...

So fun to read! I love that! Awwww your dream car is a minivan! Oh how life changes!!!

Audrey said...

Ummm, how do you swear but it's not your fault? I think I need to hear that story. You totally made me laugh with your list, and ditto on the clean kitchen thing, I'm the exact same way. You guys are hularious! And how on earth do you get to bed by 9:00 every night? I would love to get that much sleep!