Sunday, October 26, 2008


8 favorite TV Shows: (in no particular order)
1. Chuck
2. Arrested Development
3. Seinfeld
4. The Office
5. Barney
6. Curious George
7. Clifford
8. Teletubbies

8 Favorite Restaurants
1. Cafe Rio
2. Costa Vida (basically the same but I love it enough to mention twice)
3. Red Lobster
4. Red Robin
5. Macaroni Grill
6. Ruby River
7. Texas Roadhouse
8. Red Iguana

8 Things I Did Today
1. Got myself and Kate ready for church in a hurry
2. Taught a lesson--laurels--I love it!
3. Had a delicious quesadilla courtesy of Jeffrey
4. Took a nap (also courtesy of Jeffrey)
5. Visited with friends
6. Went to a birthday party with some delicious cake
7. Tried to put Kate down for a nap, but today it didn't happen
8. Read lots of blogs

8 Things I look forward to
1. Every single weekend
2. Halloween--taking Kate trick or treating and getting her in her costume
3. Christmas!!
4. Thanksgiving!!
5. Bedtime
6. Eating out--I could do it every night
7. Hugs and kisses
8. Date nights

I'm tagging all of my sisters, sisters-in-law, cousins, and cousins-in-law


Melissa said...

hehehe, I like your movie choices! Have you tried vegietales? They're wonderful. :)

Brenda said...

FYI: I took the bate and posted 8's like a good cousin. Also, I was getting so mad about my list not formatting like I wanted it to and I finally figured it out... Office 2007 does blog posting... I was wishing I could call you when I was so not happy with the formatting issue cause yours looks cute and I KNEW you had a trick... Guess what? I learned your trick -- YIPPEE!!

Tanya said...

I love your restaurant choices! I agree, Cafe Rio is yummy enough to mention twice!