Thursday, October 9, 2008

Good Times

Well, not much has been going on, but we are still happy and healthy and alive. We have been really busy getting ready to buy a minivan, (just a few years early :) ) to sell our old car, and just lots of work and me tutoring. I feel like every day is crazy and that time goes so fast and a thought occurred to me--this is going to be normal soon and I guess that is what it is like for parents with 2 or more (or a very busy one). We are loving the BYU season and are having a good time going to the games! Kate comes with us and has a pretty good time! I am amazed that she hangs in there! We still don't have a camera, so it might be a while before I have any pictures to post (hopefully Kate isn't too sad that this small period of her life isn't documented). We are thinking a Cannon Powershot though--thanks for all the good suggestions! And for the book recommendations! I will post something more exciting soon--like Halloween pictures!


Melissa said...

A minivan??? That is exciting! While you're selling your camry, wanna sell mine too? It's not doin so hot any more. :)

I'm feeling dominos comin on. :)

Dale and Tabitha said...

I have your picture of your family on my blog if you want me to send it to. It's really cute. Have you felt the babies yet. I think I felt mine today.

Jamie said...

Woohoo for minivans! I can't wait 'til Mike and are at that stage. Good luck with the camera. I'd love to buy one, but with my track record I'd befraid that it would be stolen or I'd lose it.

Drostan said...

It sounds like you're enjoying the fall. Doesn't BYU football just add so much excitement to life? ;) I was looking at the Rexes blog and saw a couple pictures of you guys. (I graduated with Tabitha.) It sure looks like Kate DOES have a good time at the games. I'm amazed she lasts the whole time! Well, I think of you guys a lot and hope you're doing okay and that the sickness is mostly gone now. Hooray for the minivan! Now 4 of the 6 Lewis siblings will have one!

Paul and Aubrey Young said...

This is Aubrey Young (Aubrey Richins)
I was reading your post and it says that you need a camera! Well I have a new camera that I dont need, if you would like to look at it I would be happy to meet you somewhere. I live in Utah county!
let me know, my blog is