Monday, November 3, 2008

Fun times with the Loos and Funny Girl

Kate and Daddy cuddling on the couch

This was so funny. Today I went to the store and when I came home, I got Kate out of her car seat and she did not want to come in--for about half an hour! I kept checking out there and she was playing in the car. It was pretty hilarious!


Brenda said...

Hopefully soon she won't get out of the new minivan!!

Jamie said...

Your family pics on the side are DARLING! The pics are Kate and Jeff are pretty cute, but I have to be honest, I'm a little sad that there are no pics of Jeff in his costume. Now that would generate some serious comments!!! Loved hanging out on Sat. Too bad the Milne party only rolls around once every year.

Melissa said...

That is hilarious that Kate didn't want to come out of the car! Teagan was the same way today with a card board box. I don't know why we buy expensive toys for children when all they want is to play in cars and boxes!

I love seeing all the new posts!

Audrey said...

Cute pictures! I'm so glad you guys got a new camera. Abbey and Brady would play in the car all day long if I let them, kids are so funny!