Saturday, November 1, 2008


Well, it is almost 3 in the morning and I can't sleep! Crazy! I usually just lay in bed, but after almost 2 hours of that, I thought I might as well get up and do what I have been thinking about, then maybe I can sleep! I have always had an easy time sleeping, so this is kind of crazy!

It was a really fun Halloween! At 11:30, Kate and I went over to Jeff's work. They have a big potluck lunch (which was delicious, yum!) and invite all the families. Then all the kids go trick or treating around the office (and this is the way to go as I learned later on in the day). It was a lot of fun, just talking to other spouses and Jeff's coworkers, I always love an office invite. Oh, and of course, it was fun to show off Kate in her little costume. Kate has always been very unsure about her costume, but once she got in it and got distracted with all the free candy, she was great!

I have to mention that I made the costume and I am kind of proud of myself! I think it turned out pretty cute! It is a little bulky, but I just loved it! I had a lot of fun making it. (By the way, Kate is a lamb, a lot of people thought she was a bunny!)

Look for Jeff in the Jazz warmups

Kate after she started getting candy, she loved it!
We came home after that and Kate took a 3 1/2 hour nap! It completely wiped her out! Then we started the trick or treating again. We just wanted to go around our block--just a quick little outing--and just stop at the houses of friends. Well, 2 hours later, we decided there has got to be a quicker way! Holy Cow! It was really fun visiting with friends, but it really took all night. We went to around 20 houses, so next year, I think we will just go up and down our street, or possibly even settle for Jeff's office trick or treating. We have so much candy right now and the funny thing is that none of us are big candy eaters. I usually am, but I don't like sweets hardly at all (just because of pregnancy, this is NOT normal for me!!) and if I do have them, in extreme moderation, otherwise they make me sick. Kate can't handle a lot, and I don't want her having sweets 3 times a day, and Jeff loves the baked goods. I am sure we will finish it off, but it just makes me laugh. It was fun taking Kate around the neighborhood though.

And this is why it took 2 hours. Kate stopped, took out candy, lined it up, you get the picture.

All three of us--I dressed as The Cat in The Hat and put "Thing 1" and "Thing 2" on my stomach. I got the idea off the internet, I thought it was kind of cute!

After trick or treating, we went over to Jeff's brother's house to see Grandma and Grandpa and cousins. They looked so cute!

All in all, it was such a fun day. I just loved seeing Kate get so excited about the whole thing and starting to kind of get it! She was just so cute, and I have to say her little costume turned out so darn adorable if that is alright for me to say! And the funny thing, I was so exhausted and just didn't feel well, so I went straight to bed, and now I can't sleep--going on 2 1/2 hours. Hopefully doing this blog will get me tired!


Jessica said...

What a great Halloween. I LOVE Miss Lamb - too cute. AND the whole thing 1 and thing 2 is hilarious - great idea!!
So sorry about not being able to sleep - you will be exhausted tomorrow. Good Luck!

Jamie said...

Whoa, Julie. I can't believe you made that costume! It is adorable!!! I'm honestly so impressed. Wow! Too cute!

You look so good as always. How fun that Kate was getting the whole Halloween thing this year. I can't wait to celebrate the holidays when Annie gets excited about them.

Sara said...

Kate looks so cute in her sheep costume and I'm very impressed that you made it. Every Halloween so far I have set the goal to make the kids costumes and lets see...I've made ONE so far. Pretty bad, huh! I LOVE your costume!! So fun...when they are born you can dress them up as Thing 1 and Thing 2 now.

Mer said...

I can't believe you made that costume, it's amazing! You guys all looked great. Sorry you couldn't sleep, that's the worst!

Melissa said...

Kate is so cute, I love that she lined up all the candy! I love your costume too! That is very creative.

Brian and Elise said...

Julie, you did a great job on the costume. It looks really good. That's funny that people thought it looked like a bunny. I immediately thought it looked like a lamb. Cute!

Brenda said...

Cute costume... both you and Kate, ok and Jeff too. You should have the boys be thing one and thing two next year after they are out. That would be funny and it would make a cute scrapbook page too. I'm glad you guys had a great Halloween!

Meghan said...

So CUTE! I think the little lamb is perfect! There is no way she's a bunny. That is totally a lamb costume! I love the thing 1 thing 2 idea. LOVE IT!

staci baker said...

I LOVE the costume! You did do a great job! You've got skills. Looks like a fun day at Jeff's work and trick-or-treating. I'm glad Kate cooperated! Your costume is cute, too!

Raquel said...

too cute!! love the costumes

Audrey said...

Very cute costume, I'm so impressed you made it! I didn't know you could sew, that's a skill I really admire since I'm clueless when it comes to a sewing machine. And I wish our family didn't like candy, how on earth did you guys manage that? If there's chocolate around, I'm in trouble.

BECKY said...

The costume was fantastic!!! You did so great! Aaron and I tried to come visit you twice, but no luck!! The first time the light was on but the bishop (who was walking by) said you guys were out. So we came back a little later and the lights were out... you must have been with the family! I love the pictures of her at the work shindig... she is do dang cute. Cute idea on the Thing 1/Thing 2. My mom told us about it. And I'm glad I could see some pictures!

Oh my heck, I love your list of 100+ things! My favorite was about Jeff passing gas and blaming it on Kate!!! Ha!!!!!!!!!! I'm working on my list. They look like fun!

Garth and Alicia said...

Julia Gulia-I'm so glad you blog. We don't talk on the phone (or see eachother) nearly enough so I'm so glad for these things so I can keep up with you and your family! I loved reading your 100 things. I learned a lot about you that I didn't know. And also smiled a lot at the things I remembered! I sure miss you.

(Nicole) The Very Hungry Caterpillar said...

your costume is great! and Kate look adorable!