Thursday, March 11, 2010

Random around the house

This is the real truth, sad, but true. I look like this a lot of days. The kids look like this a lot of days. And the computer screen looks like this a lot of days. Dangit. We'll shoot for better in 2011! Kate and Scott
The boys love to look out the back window. Sometimes Kate wants to play outside, so she goes on the back deck and the boys hurry over and just watch and dream...

This happens more than you would think. As soon as I hold one, the other two want in too. Scott red, Austin blue

This just made me laugh. Jeff was trying to vaccuum and all three kids followed him around the house and held onto the cord. It was entertaining. Austin in black, Scott white, Kate pink

Kate put their hoods on, and I had to take a picture. Austin is behind, Scott is in front.


daegan said...

you look GREAT! i am scary! i did choose to have kids and now i have three... but i didn't know that TRULY made you a pj all day/shower in the evening mom... gee whiz! i also got quite a bit of amusement from your labeling children... "kates in pink". ha ha ha! thanks for the laugh!

Melissa said...

ya cause it's hard to tell which one Kate is. hehe

I laughed through this whole post. I'm surprised you're not on the phone wiht me in the picture. :) The kids holding the cord while jeff vacuums...HILARIOUS! I was dying, kids are so helpful aren't they. You are such an awesome mom!