Monday, March 3, 2008

Bathtub and playing on Sunday

I realized I haven't posted any recent pictures of Kate for a while, so here are a few. Kate is sharing in this picture, she is getting so good at sharing and she loves bath time with daddy!
This is us playing yesterday. It is getting so hard to take any pictures of Kate because she is always coming at me trying to get the camera!

Kate playing with daddy.
Kate has a funny face in this one, but I have been trying to catch this stance of Kate's for a while. She always perches like this. It looks so funny to me.
Kate hasn't been very interested in walking, but yesterday, she started walking along the couch--just leaning against it with no hands! We were pretty surprised!


BECKY said...

I like the perch one!

Audrey said...

She's way cute! I hope we get to see her again soon.

staci baker said...

Go, Kate! She has so many fun expressions. I love it! I can imagine that she just loves her daddy!