Saturday, July 24, 2021

Big Packer Reunion

There was a giant Packer reunion this year (My Mom's aunts and uncles and families) so we also made it out little family reunion. We went to the Fun Farm which was so nostalgic because we spent so much time there as kids.

One of the main highlights was the Fun Farm bridge. The kids jumped off the bridge so many times.

This was Ty's first time. Ethan helped him drop down so that he was holding on to the bottom bar

Now he is holding on by himself and he just dropped. After this time, he would just jump off standing on this same bar--many times.

The kids loved all getting up there together, then jumping off one right after the other.

Kate and Teagan got brave and decided to jump off the top. Much to Mom's surprise, Kate wasn't even hardly nervous--even though it is a 40 foot drop from the top.

Here goes Kate

and she jumps

and here goes Teagan

After the jumping one after another, here are the kids swimming back to shore

Jax thought about climbing up, but it was the top rung that made him change his mind.

These 4 little buddies had so much fun playing at camp. In the canoes, or whatever they could find. They were inseparable.

We also went to the 24th of July parade in St. Anthony. It was surprisingly fantastic!

Last, but not least, we also floated down the river. Jake brought a couple of his boats and it was so relaxing!

This boat has Zac in the back, Brian in the middle, Mom up high holding Everly.

Most of the older kids floated on single float devices and got way ahead, but had a great time.

We also played some nine square, the older kids really loved it

Grandma made little badges the kids could earn. It was a big hit

Logan stepped on some kind of stinger and his foot swelled up and was in a lot of pain.

We had the BEST time. We were so glad we went!