Thursday, July 15, 2021

New England Trip Day 8

This was a much anticipated day of our trip. This was the day we got to meet up with Grandma and Grandpa Durtschi after not seeing them for 1 1/2 years!

First, Dad went and picked up our rental car. It was smaller than we had expected. There were suitcases everywhere in the car.

We met up with Grandma and Grandpa in New Hampshire at McDonalds.

Austin left, Scott right

They rented a house about one block from the beach at Hampton Beach. We couldn't check in until later afternoon, so we headed down to the beach. The kids couldn't resist and all got right into the water--clothes and all. We played there for an hour or so, then went back to our place, then came back and played in our swimsuits at the beach. The next day. we could have driven up to Maine, but the kids begged for more time at the beach, so we spent the whole next day at the beach too. It was definitely a highlight.

Grandpa and Scott building a sandcastle

Austin and Logan digging together

Grandpa bought some boogie boards and they made the beach so fun!




Scott, Ty, Kate, Austin

Grandpa, Mom, Scott



Grandpa, Mom, Austin

At this point Grandpa was talking to Logan about being strong. Grandpa said to Logan, I bet you learned how to be strong from your dad--is your dad the strongest man in the world? Logan replied, "No, my dad's friend Mike Speth is."

While we were there, Mom noticed a man taking pictures and started chatting with him. He ended up working for the Boston Globe and was writing an article. He quoted some of the things Mom said, here is the write up:

Here is a snippet of the article:

"Just ask the Lewis family from Utah. Or the Hiltons of Bedford, N.H.

Three generations of the former were having a blast riding the waves on boogie boards on a warm but overcast midweek day in mid-July.

“We love the beach,” said Julie Lewis, taking a quick break from riding with her father and a couple of her kids on her first visit to New Hampshire. “The sound of the waves is so relaxing. Our 14-year-old, our oldest, already said we don’t ever need to go to Disneyland again, let’s just go to the beach. I’m not sure the other kids will agree.”

We really had such a fun time. This might have been the kids' favorite day. We got to finally see Grandma and Grandpa and be at such an amazing beach!